Most Popular Products

Red Ochre (Ocre Rouge RFLES) - 178
Red Ochre is a natural earth red pigment from France. It is a lime stable pigment, making it suitabl

Yellow Ochre (Ocre Jaune fonce) - 193
Yellow Ochre is a natural earth pigment made up of naturally occurring kaolinite and goethite. It is

Titanium White (Blanc Tiona) - 278
Titanium White is a great all-round white paint. Providing maximum whiteness and opacity it is great

Light Yellow Ochre (Ocre Jaune Clair) - 166
Light yellow ochre is a very pale yellow earth pigment from France. Suitable for creating artist oil

Yellow Iron Oxide (Jaune 920) - 296
Yellow Iron Oxide is a manufactured pigment from France, which boasts a beautiful mustard yellow hue

Burnt Sienna (Sienne Calcinee) - 112
Burnt Sienna Pigment is made heating Natural Raw Sienna, which dehydrates the iron oxide giving it a

Grey Ochre (Ocre Gris C) - 139
Grey Ochre is a beautiful natural earth pigment from France. This dark grey pigment is suitable for

Natural Umber (Ombre Naturelle) - 172
Coloured Earth’s Natural Umber is a warm medium brown pigment mined in France. Add Natural Umber to

Ancient Green Earth (Terra Verte Ancienne) - 103
Ancient Green Earth powder pigment is a natural earth pigment suitable for use with most paint mediu

Burnt Umber (Ombre Calcinee) - 115
Burnt umber is a medium brown earth pigment with a hint of red. A natural Earth pigment from Fr

Venetian Red (Rouge Venitian) - 184
Venetian Red is an ocher, which have been used as pigments since prehistoric times. It is perhaps th

Red Iron Oxide (Rouge 140) - 269
This is a Rich Red Oxide pigment from Germany, suitable for most applications. Manufactured Oxide pi
New Products

Orange Iron Oxide (Orange 960) - 257
This is a Rich Red Oxide pigment from Germany, suitable for most applications. Manufactured Oxide pi

Yellow Iron Oxide (Jaune 920) - 296
Yellow Iron Oxide is a manufactured pigment from France, which boasts a beautiful mustard yellow hue

Vermillion Red (Rouge Vermillon) - 291
Vermillion Red is a bright Red synthetic pigment manufactured in France. Suitable for most media, in

Valley Green (Vert GN) - 290
Veridian Green is a dark green synthetic pigment manufactured in France. Suitable for all media, inc

Ultramarine Violet (Violet Outremer) - 288
Ultramarine Violet pigment is a rich purple synthetic pigment, suitable for most media, Care should

Ultramarine Blue (Bleu Outremer) - 284
Ultramarine Blue pigment is a deep blue synthetic pigment, suitable for most media, Care should be t

Titanium White (Blanc Tiona) - 278
Titanium White is a great all-round white paint. Providing maximum whiteness and opacity it is great

Sunflower Yellow (Jaune Tournesol) - 276
Sunflower Yellow is a synthetic deep yellow pigment, suitable for most media including limewash, pla

Rupicola Orange (Orange Rupicola) - 274
Rupicola Orange is a vibrant synthetic orange pigment, suitable for most media including limewash, p

Rose Fuchsia (Rose Fuchsia) - 271
Rose Fuchsia is a deep pink magenta pigment, suitable for most media including limewash, plasters an

Red Iron Oxide (Rouge 140) - 269
This is a Rich Red Oxide pigment from Germany, suitable for most applications. Manufactured Oxide pi